How To Remove Computer Viruses

Remove Computer Viruses. The Reason why your computer slow down is :
1. Your Computer have too many programs but not enough memory
2. Your Computer have a virus or spyware

However if your computer slow down because infected by virus or spyware there are virus removal methods to consider before the damage becomes irreversible.

Do you know about Virus?
Virus is a software program can cause tramendous damage to your Computer. Damage to files and programs on your computer and even your computer's hard drive can cost hundreds to replace. Therefore, we must take the steps to remove the virus or spyware

What are some signs of a computer viral infection?
  • The computer runs much slower than usual. 
  • You get a barrage of pop-up ads, or programs constant restart randomly.
  • The computer crashes or freezes for no apparent reason. 
  • You type in one website URL, but are constantly redirected to another.  
Sometimes, the damage is minimal, to where it just alters the desktop picture. In other cases, you may get numerous pop-up ads. However, some viruses can erase information or even shut down the computer, while severe ones may also create a security loophole, resulting in identity theft anytime you shop online. Fortunately, there are steps that can stop any of these things from happening.

1. Using The Virus Scan On your Computer.

The first step if your computer infected by virus is downloading a good Antivirus Program.  This acts as a safeguard against any malicious software or websites that could cripple the computer. Some programs offer a free trial, then a paid subscription when the trial expires. However, if you just need basic protection, free software exists, and monitors for potential threats. Make sure the program also protects against spyware, which can cause just as much trouble. If it does not, you may need to download an antispyware program as well.

2. Run a Security Scan Periodically

We must scan our Computer regularly usually about onece a week. The Scan will be take  about half an hour minimum. When we scan pur computer, we still allow you  to perform other computer tasks like surfing the internet or playing a game.

If your computer still get slow down, you can read these articles "How to make faster the computer slow" and "How to Protect Your Computer from virises"


  1. Very informative and well written post! Computer viruses affect systems in different ways. Some wipe out or corrupt data in the system while others steal sensitive user information.Plastics parts
