How To Fix The Windows Blue Screen Errors

How To Fix The Windows Blue Screen Errors? The ‘Blue screen error referred to as the ‘blue screen of death error’ (BSoD), is one of the most common errors that affect Windows Computers.If you’ve ever experienced the blue screen error, it usually means that there’s something somewhat seriously wrong with your system. It can even block users from logging onto their Windows operating system. You need to fix the problem so that your Computer remains functional.

There are several ways that may well fix the blue screen error. We can uninstall the drivers and try to install the latest drivers from the website of the hardware vendor. Secondly, it is worth trying to uninstall the device using the Device Manager utility.  This utility can be launched by typing “devmgmt.msc” in the command line. Once the utility window shows up, simply right click on the troublesome device and choose Uninstall.

One thing that is important to keep in mind that Windows tends to leave junks behind after some things are uninstalled. Therefore, it may be necessary to launch the Registry Cleaners to clean up the rest of the troublesome drivers. This is when you need to invest in a good quality registry cleaner program. These programs are designed in such a way that they will automatically scan through the entire registry and fix any damaged entries on the registry that are causing the problems. This they do by even deleting entries that are no longer in use. A good registry cleaner will make your Windows system run a lot faster and become more reliable because the last thing you would want is to lose important information and data from your PC due to the screen of death.

Lastly, there is System Restore. However, this method won’t be useful unless this feature is kept active all the time. Some advanced PC users may disable it to save spaces and processing time of applications. System Restore can be accessed by clicking the Start button and then choosing Programs followed by Accessories and System Tools. Users simply need to choose a date before they install the new conflicting hardware or software and Windows will revert everything to that date. As a result, the operating system should now be working normally again.

However if you're unable to get into Windows to perform the steps below, boot the computer into Safe Mode. Well, the Safe Mode provided with each version of Windows is normally the answer to this. When the computer is trying to boot after passing the self diagnosis process, constantly hitting the F8 key will usually display a list of advanced Windows options, one of which is the Safe Mode. Choosing it will enable users to log onto the system yet with limited capabilities. However, it is enough to fix the BSOD.

NOTE : Before fixing a Microsoft Windows blue screen you must first identify what error it is. Since there are different blue screen errors.

Computer Troubleshooting : How To Fix The Windows Blue Screen Errors


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